Together for Life Utah offers multiple tools to increase seat belt use. The tools are intended to guide conversations about seat belt use and promote engagement within a community by adults, workplaces, key leaders, schools, and students. The tools are designed to confront the seriousness of not wearing a seat belt and build hope that communities can work together to reduce risk virtual credit cards and create positive change.

To learn more about Together for Life Utah in Tooele County, contact your county coordinator: Brent Peterson, Tooele County Health Department 435-277-2373 ,

The Utah Department of Public Safety Highway Safety Office encourages viewing, downloading, and sharing of the Together for Life Utah materials. The content may not be altered.

Click here to learn how

  • Overview
  • Community Building
  • Adult
  • Key Leader
  • Workplace
  • Schools/Student
  • Ask Them Tools

Tooele County Overview

Building on the strengths and resources that exist in Utah communities, Together for Life offers multiple tools to increase seat belt use. Each tool is intended to guide conversations about seat belt use and promote engagement in this issue.

The messages in the tools are designed to combine two goals:

  1. Confront the seriousness of not wearing a seat belt
  2. Build hope that communities can work together to reduce risk and create positive change

Click on the sample image to view, download, and share the Together for Life media.

Cards for Distribution

Together for Life Engagement Card

Together for Life Engagement Card

4" x 9" print-ready card that can be used to engage individuals to increase seat belt use.

File for use when printing with a professional printer.

“Wear it for me” Card 1

“Wear it for me” Card 1

2" x 3" print-ready business card to promote that most adults in our county have a family rule about always wearing a seat belt.

File for use when printing with a professional printer.

“Wear it for me” Card 2

“Wear it for me” Card 2

2" x 3" print-ready business card to promote that most drivers in our county believe it is their responsibility to get others to wear a seat belt.

File for use when printing with a professional printer.

“Wear it for me” Card 3

“Wear it for me” Card 3

2" x 3" print-ready business card to promote that most adults in our county agree they want people they care about to always wear a seat belt.

File for use when printing with a professional printer.

Other Resources

Press Release

Community Building Press Release

Sample press release for community media outlets.

Speaking Points

Community Building Speaking Points

Speaking points to begin community conversations.