Like you, most adults want the people they care about to always wear a seat belt.1
As their mom, coworker, husband, daughter, brother, or friend, you play an important role keeping them safe.
Often, the key is figuring out what to say.
- Keep it light. When people feel threatened, they may lose sight of the fact that you want people you care about to always wear a seat belt.
- Some people have inaccurate beliefs about seat belts. Avoid arguing.
- You may need to ask someone to wear their seat belt more than once. Keep asking until they always wear a seat belt.
Connect. Ask. Reconnect.
To begin, Connect. You could say...
- "I appreciate you giving me a ride today.”
- “I really enjoy the time we spend driving to/from ______.”
- “Thanks for (going with/inviting) me to _______ today.”
- Or even, “Gosh, you smell good!”

Next, ASK them to wear a seat belt for you. You could say…
- “Would you wear your seat belt today for me?”
- “As a favor to me, would you put your seat belt on?”
- “Even though asking is hard for me, would you wear your seat belt for me?”
- “I feel anxious asking, but would you wear your seat belt for me?”

Finally, RECONNECT. If they choose to wear a seat belt, you could say…
- “I appreciate you buckling up.”
- “Thanks for wearing your seat belt.”

If they choose not to wear a seat belt, you could say…
- “Because I care about you, I’m going to ask each time we are in a vehicle together.”
Connect. Ask. Reconnect.

[1] Center for Health and Safety Culture. (2019, 2020). Utah community survey of adults on seat belt use. Montana State University. (N=3114, N=673)
Ask Them Tools
"Ask Them to Wear a Seat Belt" Rack Card
"Ask Them to Wear a Seat Belt" Rack Card
“Wear it for me” Cards
Community Building 60-Second Video 1
How to Ask Them to Wear a Seat Belt Radio 1
How to Ask Them to Wear a Seat Belt Radio 2